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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » ISO14000,杭州ISO14001体系认证
产品: ISO14000,杭州ISO14001体系认证 
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
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最后更新: 2012-05-22 05:06

申请认证时需提交的文件/资料List of Documents/Information to Be Submitted with the Certification Applications1)通用的文件/资料General cuments/information□企业简介Introduction of enterprise□申请方营业执照复印件、组织机构代码Photocopy of applicant"s business license/organization code□资质或许可证复印件(法律法规规定需要资质或许可证)Photocopy of qualifications or license (Qualifications or licenses are required as set out by laws and regulations.)□有效的管理体系文件(如:管理手册、程序文件等)Valid management system documents (for instance: management manual and procedure documents)□产品生产/服务的流程图Flow chart of product production/service□产品类别清单及产品执行标准List of product typeand implementation standards of product□多场所清单(包括不在同一市、县的部门)List of multi sites (including the departments in different cities or counties)□在建项目清单(施工、勘测)/流动项目清单(运输线)List of the projects which are being under construction and implementation (construction and survey) / list of flow items (transit)□企业管理使用电子化技术情况(远程电子技术、电视电话会议、网络交流)2)申请环境管理体系认证还须补充的文件资料List of additional documents to be submitted with the environmental management system certification application□组织地理位置图及厂区平面示意图(包括①污染源及监控点位置②污水管网平面图和对外排污口及受体)Geographical position map and plane sketch map of plant site of the organization (it includes①pollution source and monitoring point position;②the sewage pipe network plane figure and external drain and receptor of sewage.)□新、扩、改项目需提交“环评”“批复”和“三同时”验收文件For new, expansion or econstruction projects, theenvironment assessment and approval, and the"3-Simultaneity" acceptance report shall be submitted□组织所在地地(市)级(含)以上环境保护行政主管部门出具的该组织在近一年内未因环境违法受到处罚的证明(守法证明Document issued by local prefecture-(city-) level or higher onmental protection administrative department certifying that this organization has not been penalized within the last year because of violation of environment-related laws (Law-abiding Certificate)□由具有法定资格的环境监测机构近一年内出具的该组织的各项污染物检测报告Various pollutants testing report issued by a legally qualified environment monitoring agency within the last year□废水、废气、噪声、固体废弃物等的处理工艺流程图,主要污染及其污染物,执行的排放标准及类别(必要时)Treatment process flow chart of waste water, waste gas, noise and solid waste, main pollution and pollutants as well as the emission standard and type implemented by the organization(if necessary)□重要环境因素清单List of significant environmental aspects□危险化学品清单、法律法规清单及环境管理的目标、指标、管理方案(必要时)list ofdangerous chemicals, list of laws and regulations, and objective, indicators andmanagement plan of environmental management (if necessary).3)申请职业健康安全管理体系认证还须补充的文件资料List of additional documents to be submitted with the occupational health & safety management system certification application□组织地理位置图及厂区平面示意图(在图中应标注主要的危害及活动,消防配备点)Geographical position map and plane sketch map of plant site of the organization (main hazards and activities as well as positions of fire fighting equipment should be marked on the figure)□守法证明Law-abiding Certificate□安全生产许可证license of production in safety□“安评”及批复,“三同时”验收报告(必要时)Safety assessment and approval, the "3-Simultaneity" acceptance report(if necessary).□监测报告(必要时)Monitoringreport (if necessary)□重要危险源清单,法律法规清单及职业健康安全目标、指标的管理方案(必要时)List of main hazards sources, list of laws and regulations and management plan for the objective and indicators of occupational health & safety (if necessary)
太阳能CE认证,嘉兴太阳能,海宁太阳能CE,平湖太阳能CE认证 太阳能光伏组件认证,TUV认证,EN61215,EN61730-1/2认证 土工格栅CE认证,玻璃纤维土工格栅,格栅CE认证 玩具EN71测试,EN71测试机构 生产线机械CE认证,机械设备CE认证 仪器机械CE认证 弹簧机械CE认证 封口机CE认证 包装机械CE认证 伊拉克COC认证、伊拉克清关认证、杭州COC伊拉克认证 伊拉克COC认证、浙江COC伊拉克认证、伊拉克认证
公司其他供应信息 | 供应CE认证CE高频机CE认证,杭州CE认证机构 | 提供服务CAN淋浴房SONCAP认证 | 浙江ISO18000认证 | 杭州医疗FDA认证,山东FDA认证,广东FDA认证,护理床FDA认证 | 杭州ISO9001体系认证机构 | 高频机CE认证,杭州CE认证机构,NB机构CE | 杭州CE认证机构,安测CE,LVD指令,电子电气CE认证 | 俄罗斯GOST认证 | OHSMS18000认证,杭州ISO18000体系 | ISO14001环境体系认证